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Cyber Awareness Training


Our mission is to empower companies to fix this problem with the industry’s best security awareness training platform.

Companies have spent the last decade securing and improving their IT systems, in an effort to protect their businesses and clients. 

For this reason, hackers have changed their approach, increasingly targeting staff & exploiting human error.

The Openet cyber awareness training solution provides companies with the following:

Highly engaging monthly training videos. 
Lessons are short, engaging, and contain learning quizzes to facilitate quick training and a high retention rate. Each lesson is based on real-life cyber attacks.

Simulated phishing attacks. Launch regular phishing simulations to determine which staff are most at risk. 
For any staff who fall victim to a phishing campaign, they’ll automatically be enrolled into tailored awareness training.

Finally, your cyber awareness training programme includes a cyber security toolkit that contains operational & policy documents, containing checklists and legal templates.

Once set up, our cyber awareness solution runs automatically, making it easy to onboard and manage users. 

With a clear reporting engine, you will be able to monitor how all your staff are progressing.

Get started for free with our Kickstarter programme. Go to,

Cyber Awareness Training
Openet Cyber Awareness Training